Pulpit Minister

  • Church
  • Ministry
  • Pastor / Minister
  • Overland, MO

Website Overland Church of Christ

Overland Church of Christ is looking to fill our full time pulpit minister position as our previous minister recently retired (July 28th).  We are a congregation of around 100 with two elders and are in St. Louis county about 20 miles west of downtown St. Louis.  We are in the western suburban area of the St. Louis area with about 2.3 million people in the area.  The candidate must be willing to not only preach from the pulpit on Sundays, but be actively involved in the various ministries of the congregation including teaching classes, personal bible studies and assisting with various community outreach activities.  Previous minister was very active in the community serving as chaplain for local police department and other community activities keeping our congregation in the public eye routinely.  We are looking for 5+ years experience as a minister but that is negotiable.  Starting salary is $75,000 and is also negotiable.

To apply for this job email your details to dougazwell@gmail.com