Christian Job Resources

Designed to Assist the Christian Job Seeker in the Job Marketplace


Recent Posts



The Job Seeker Mindset Embrace Rejection, Become Unstoppable

The Battle of the Mind

Thick Skin in the Job Search

Job Seeker’s Attitude: “I Know Employers Are Looking for Me!”

How To Be More Of A Christian In The Secular Workplace

Understanding Your True Worth In A Job Search



How to Manage Negative Emotions in the Job Search

Negotiate Job Offer Based on Biblical Scripture

Dealing With Time Management Challenges Refocusing on Prioritizes

Enhancing Communication Skills Addressing the I Didn’t Get the Memo Syndrome

Developing Strong Communication Skills: How People Judge You by the Words You Use

The Crucial Role of a Strong Attitude in the Job Search



Dealing with Procrastination

Encouraging a Drama free Work Environment

Turbocharge Your Job Search

What Does At Will Mean In Regards To Employment Status

Negotiating Remote Work Options in Your Current Job Position

Mastering the Art of Creative Job Hopping

Maintaining Focus in the Job Search

How To Deal with A Micro Manager



The Power of Words Enhancing Communication for Lasting Impressions

Improving Decision Motivation Acting in the Moment

Leveraging a Toxic Workplace as Motivation for New Employment Opportunities

Top Paying Careers in IT

The Importance of a Positive Attitude in the Job Search

Managing Negative Self Talk in the Job Search

Best Investment Avenues Regarding Paycheck Deductions



Embracing the Technical School Route

Going Through the Motions Dealing with Procrastination

Exploring Lucrative Career Paths Without a Formal Education

How To Handle Negative References

Do I Really Need a Degree for Career Advancement?

A Guide to Clarity and Confidence

Mastering Organizational Skills in the Workplace for Enhanced Productivity and Success



Navigating the Remote Job Landscape

Top Job Industries 2024

Getting Past the Gatekeeper In The Job Search

Mastering the Art of Juggling a Side Job and Full-Time Employment

Best Practices for Preparing for a Job Interview

Navigating A Career Transition In 2024

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Job Hunting Strategies for Success

Negotiating Job Offer To Include Remote/Hybrid Options

Navigating a Career Transition Targeting Emerging Industries in 2024

Fostering a Drama-Free Office Culture in 2024

Thriving in 2024 Mastering Job Operational Skills for the Evolving Workforce






Cover Letters




Guides (Schools, Higher Learning, Top Online Degrees and More!)




Mental Aspects










Social Media


Alternative Jobs

Growth Categories for Adjustable Jobs

Side Jobs You Can Do At Home

Switch Careers With Transferable Skills

Automation Resistant Jobs

Jobs With Flexible Hours

How To Build A Business From Home

Strategies For Negotiating A Remote Work Arrangement

Be A Success As A Remote Worker

Critical Skills Needed To Work Remotely

Remote Jobs That Do Not Require Special Skills

How to Begin A New Remote Job

Applying For A Remote Job